The two files poetry1.txt and poetry2.txt are collected poems by various characters on FurryMUCK. Some of the characters are still around there, some have changed their names and identities, and some have simply faded away to who knows where. I myself have only contributed one poem of my own creation and one quoted from (and I hope correctly attributed to) someone else. I can take no responsibility for any other writings in these files. Some may have been quoted from other sources and not attributed, or even claimed as the writer's own work; I am not nearly well read enough to be able to know. Hopefully none are. The Furry Poetry Book still resides on FurryMUCK; I was simply asked to take the archives off there to save wear and tear on the DB. That's a cause I can certainly support. I will be adding more files as time goes by and more poems are added to the book on Furry. Unfortunately, if you have any comments on any of the poems here I doubt I'll be able to contact the authors to pass them along, since I do not know most of the people, especially in the first file. Sorry 'bout that... Hope ya like! --James Charles Lynn --Zeb