--- This story contains subject matter including but not limited to male/male, female/male, female/wolf sex, non-consensualism, and teen. If any of this may offend you, or if you are under 18, please read no further. --- I wrote this story to push my boundaries :) I wrote it to see if I could do it. I'm happy with how it turned out, but if anyone has any suggestions, please write to me at: crystal@jabba.tlh.fdt.net Feral She shrieked wordlessly, pulling at the rough-hewn rope tied expertly about her wrists. She could feel them chafing under the soft fur, burning from the hours she'd spent struggling. For all that, they hadn't budged in the slightest -- she was still bound and gagged, a hood over her head to restrict her vision. The two furs in the front seats entirely ignored her, as they had been since she had come to a while back. She was more bewildered than scared. At the young age of 14, nothing had prepared her for this. Silent tears ran down her cheeks, wetting the dirty gag tied into her mouth. Her best guess was that she was in the ratty old van that had pulled up to the curb while she was on the way home from school. The hick of a fox in the passenger seat had motioned to her to step closer, that he needed directions and wanted her to show him on his map. Like the trusting bunny she was, she'd gone right up to him, right within range. She scowled at the thought -- the bastard had actually punched her! He'd thrown open the door, grabbed her by the ears with one paw and then punched her with the other, right there on the sidewalk not three blocks from her house. Hadn't there been people around? Why hadn't they done something? She hunched up one slim shoulder and rubbed her aching jaw to it through the coarse material of the hood. Her long, velvet soft ears itched under it, and flexing them did no good -- they were pinned. The ride was bumpy, and with her paws pinned at the small of her back she was unable to stop herself from slamming into the side of the van now and then. They had to be on one of the back roads heading up into the forest; no road anywhere around town was this rough. She might get a clue if they'd just talk. But of course they were both sitting up there, smug, not saying a word as they drove her further and further away from home. Neither of them even bothered to stay in the back with her. It made her angry that they were so sure of her helplessness that they didn't even bother. Problem was, they had a right to be. No matter how much time she spent twisting her head, wrists, arms and body, she couldn't even begin to loosen her bonds. She was tied and blind, unable to do more than squirm uncomfortably as she cried softly to herself, bumping along at their whim. -- She'd finally settled into something like a half drowse by the time the van stopped. Night had fallen, and she couldn't make out a thing through the dark hood. She heard the side door slide open on rusty tracks, and then big hands were grabbing her roughly about the arms and pulling her out. "Come on, girlie, get on yer fuckin' feet." Her legs weren't working right; she couldn't even really feel them. She tried to support her weight, but they buckled, forcing her to lean on the fur that'd grabbed her. He took a step back as she did so, leaving her to crumple to the ground, falling to her knees in the rotting leaves and pine needles that littered the forest floor. A hand grasped at the back of her neck, pinching her soft ears and yanking the hood right off her head. Moonlight and stars filtered through pine trees which towered high above, lighting the little clearing she and the furs were in along with a small, ramshackle cabin. Even in the bad light she could see it was dilapidated and in disrepair. Standing over her were the two males - the fox she recognized as the one who'd punched her. Bastard. The other appeared to be a wolf by the looks of his dim outline. She could smell them now, too, a faintly pleasant and very male odor wafting to her nose amid the smells of the forest. One of them, the one that appeared to be a wolf, reached down and grabbed her upper arm with those big familiar paws. "Get on yer feet, I said, I ain't gonna ask you again. We wanna have a look at ya." She stood shakily, finding it difficult to get her balance with her arms pinned, but the wolf's paw was pulling too insistently to be denied. He released her and turned to the van once she was standing, shifting her weight from one pins-and-needles leg to the other. He leaned through the passenger window and pulled a flashlight out of the glove box. Sniffling, mouth working uncomfortably around the gag, she looked from one male to the other -- at least until the flashlight was turned on, right into her eyes. "Get 'er clothes off, Jimmy..." the wolf said. A glittering caught her eye as she heard the *snick* of a pocketknife being opened in Jimmy's paw, cruel blade reflecting in the flashlight's beam. She whimpered and drew back a few shuffling steps, fresh tears coursing down her softly furred cheeks, long velveteen ears pressing back flat. He was much faster than she was. He lashed out a paw and grabbed hold of the scruff of her neck, holding her still as he brought knife up to her shoulder. "Don't Move." She closed her eyes as she felt the blade touch and then slice through her thin t-shirt, shredding the material easily in a line up one sleeve and down the other. It fell away from her, revealing the pristine white cotton of her cute b-cup bra, barely filled out by her small breasts. Feeling the chill air ruffling once covered fur, she whimpered softly again and turned her head toward the fox, opening her eyes. She saw only a dark shape outlined by the flashlight's beam, larger than her by a good amount. He was sliding the knife up under one of her bra straps, the metal rasping coldly over cotton. She made a soft sound behind her gag, begging him not to do it with her eyes. Jimmy only grinned at her, sharp white teeth glinting, then sliced through the strap - and right through the second one as well. He then lowered the blade and rasped its tip over the demure lace at the front of her tattered bra for a moment, staring into her eyes as he did so. He was obviously enjoying the look of torment he saw there. She whimpered softly, unable to look away from him as he slid the cold blade up under the tight lace, teasing at the softly furred skin beneath. Back and forth he drew the knife, brushing it through the silky fur in the small depression between her breasts. He smiled rakishly and flexed, putting a little pressure on the knife so she could feel her bra pulling away from her body, giving in to the blade. He continued, the pressure increasing until she was whimpering out loud, tears falling unchecked down her cheeks. The bra suddenly shred asunder, white lace and cotton spreading smoothly around the knife's sharp edge and falling from her body. The fox's smile slid into a grin as he looked down at her pert little breasts. She squeaked as he brought the blade up, laying its sharp point on one of her nipples and chuckling darkly as the sensitive flesh crinkled and hardened under the pressure. It felt cold, oddly stimulating and entirely horrible. She closed her eyes and turned her head away, unable to bear watching him torment her like this. It was clear in his dimly lit face that he was enjoying her discomfort more than anything. She heard him slide to his knees, could feel his eyes on her face as he let the knife's point slip from her nipple and tease down over the slope of her breast. It furrowed a line through the silky white fur of her mid-driff, continuing down over her taut tummy in a clear path. She set her jaw around the gag and clenched her eyes shut, burning with embarrassment and fear. Fresh tears squeezed from the corners of her eyes; the thought of him enjoying these awful feelings she was having was unbearable. The knife continued in its tease -- she heard the metal clinking over the button of her shorts. The flashlight jiggled slightly, casting shadows upon her eyes. She opened them, blinking against the bright beam as she looked and saw that the wolf was no longer holding it. He had set the flashlight down on the hood of the van and was slowly rubbing a noticeably huge bulge in his crotch. She gasped and yanked her eyes away in shocked surprise, looking down at Jimmy on his knees in front of her. He was digging the knife in under the button, working at the threads binding it to her shorts. A few quick flicks and the button just fell right off, falling between her sneakers. He looked up at her again and grinned, letting the knife linger over the bare material and then skip to her zipper. She just stared, eyes bulging, watching him as he dragged the blade's point over the zipper's teeth -- it made a grating little sound, enhanced by the fact that she could feel it vibrating against her stomach and then over the slope of her mound as he pressed. He lowered the knife and let it tease through the fur at her inner thigh, looking between her disbelieving down-turned face and the outline of the blade under the leg of her white cotton shorts as it explored higher and higher. He moved it by fractions, taking his time, the point digging into her skin now and then just enough to let her to feel its presence. She whimpered again as it reached the juncture of her leg, tickling at the elastic of her panties. Suddenly he yanked back, catching her entirely by surprise and pulling her off balance. His paw lashed out and gripped her at the thigh, keeping her in place as he ripped the blade through the crotch of her shorts. She whimpered piteously, openly crying and begging behind her gag now. Jimmy's long tongue drew lasciviously over his lips and dark black nose -- all he did was grin at her, obviously enjoying her begging, and then tucked the knife between his teeth. He grabbed the frayed ends of the ruined material between her legs and began ripping, splitting the seam right through the crotch and down the other leg. Wispy threads tickled over her taut inner thighs in the breeze. Whimpering, tears making it even harder to see, she watched as he brought the knife from between his teeth once more and sliced roughly, splitting her shorts neatly down the other side from belt to hem. They fluttered to the ground, just another white rag now, stark against the dark, spongy ground. The fox's grin widened, a soft yiff emanating from his throat as he faced the little white panties she was wearing, pink flowers dotted randomly over the soft cotton. She could hear the wolf chuckling darkly from his spot against the van, "Yeah, do it..." She whimpered again, only Jimmy's strong paw looped about her thigh keeping her from bolting right then, knife or no knife; the look on his face was beyond frightening -- it was lascivious, rakish, hungry. It looked like he was actually drooling as he brought his muzzle in close and brushed his velvety nose over the front of her panties, taking in her scent. She shuddered at the sensation, closing her eyes. She felt her shoes and then her socks being removed in an almost gentle fashion, leaving her to stand barefoot in the leaves and pine needles. She felt nothing for a moment, and then suddenly she felt the knife's point rake slowly over the swell of her mound. A squeak managed to escape from behind her gag as her eyes popped open again. She looked back at the fox, biting down on the rough material caught in her mouth -- he was scraping the blade back and forth, back and forth, letting the tip poke through the soft cotton every once in a while, cold metal meeting her burning flesh. This went on until she felt she'd simply burst with tension, the rasp of the blade sending trembles through her body along with odd, deliciously warm tendrils she didn't want to admit to. The spotlight she and the fox were in suddenly bounced and jiggled, then settled again, but from a different angle as the wolf pushed off from the van and stomped over. "C'mon, Jimmy, just rip her damn panties off already. What the hell you doin'? We gotta get inside." He reached for her, spinning her around, then stooped and roughly ripped her panties right off. She felt the rest of herself bared to the cold night air as the fox stood once more and simply watched, glowering, closing his knife and tucking it into a pocket. "Aw man, Mason... Why'd you have to go 'n' ruin my fun..." he muttered, barely audible. The wolf took her by the upper arm and spun her around again to face the cabin. She felt him push in the center of her back, "C'mon. Walk, cutie, we got things to do." Tears sprang to her eyes again as she stumbled forward, feeling the two furs watching her naked body as she moved. The flashlight clicked off, and she could hear them following close behind. -- Once through the cabin door, she stood in complete darkness with only her moonlit shadow cast upon the wall. The forms of the wolf and fox wiped this out as they joined her, slipping through the door and closing it behind them. She heard several locks slide home, then narrowed her eyes as a match was struck, turning toward the light instinctively. Mason was lighting a lantern, turning the wick up high to light the entire one room cabin as Jimmy secured the last of the door's many locks. The place was grungy, untidy. Trash littered the floor, though most of it had been pushed against the back wall in a sad attempt at cleaning. There was a smell to the place, too... She couldn't quite place it, but it made her pulse quicken. The windows were boarded over tight, and with that many locks on the front door there was no way she could get through it before they'd grab her. To the left was a small door with a single, shiny Master padlock. The huge lock was the only new, unblemished looking thing in the place, save for herself. The only pieces of furniture to be seen were a rickety old bed and a large, very sturdy looking table with several odd protrusions sticking up along its length. The flickering shadows from the lamp made them impossible to make out. "Interested in that, are ya, girlie?" came a gravelly voice from behind her -- the wolf. She turned to face him, finding that both he and the fox were rubbing at bulges in the fronts of their jeans. She squeaked behind her gag, tears overflowing as she backed up a step and turned away from the sight. Their intentions were more than obvious now, even for someone like her who had never even done anything like that before in her life. "You'll find out what that table is soon 'nough, cutie. Now turn back this way so we can get a look atchya." The wolf rumbled. She turned back, reluctantly, to find them both openly rubbing their crotches a little harder. She could feel their eyes moving over her form, from the tips of her long, soft white ears to her wriggling little toes. She wasn't quite a woman yet, but her hips were already flaring out nicely from a prim waist, and her breasts were nubile, perked upward at the nipples just slightly. They were still hard, she noticed unhappily, despite the lack of any real chill in the cabin. Her sex was covered with just the thinnest fuzz of downy white, almost hidden between her legs as she stood there fidgeting. "Turn 'round. C'mon, do it. Slowly." Mason rumbled. The fox was rubbing him with one paw as well now, the other left over for his own bulging crotch. Biting down on her gag and closing her eyes, she did as he asked, bowing her head until her chin was tucked up against her breastbone. Fresh tears trickled down over her cheeks as she heard the fox whistling, "Whooooee! Lookit that ass!" Mason chuckled and grunted in response. She could hear them both breathing harder now. Her long ears lowered, pressing even tighter to her head, trying to block out the sound. "Turn back around girlie, take a look at how much we like that young little body of yours..." she heard, strained. She turned, looking up from under dark wet lashes, afraid of what she might see. Jimmy had gotten the wolf's jeans unbuttoned and was in the process of withdrawing his hard cock, stroking it with black furred fingers. She squeaked softly, jumping at the sight, and closed her eyes again to the sound of their chuckles. "This one's gonna be fun..." the fox said, sniggering. She could hear Mason grunting as he was stroked, the sound of another pair of jeans being unzipped soon following. She kept her eyes firmly shut, not wanting to see anymore than she had already. Could the wolf really be that big? She'd seen pictures, but... Rough hands were grabbing her, and to her surprise she felt her bonds being cut -- first the rope at her chaffed wrists and then the gag. She spit it out of her mouth and brought her paws around so she could rub at the raw skin of her wrists. When she looked up again, Mason and Jimmy were there, watching her -- both entirely naked and very erect. Mason was a fine specimen -- a timber wolf, well muscled with grey and silver fur that seemed to flow over his body. He was tall and broad in the shoulders, with a well defined jaw line and glinting, ice blue eyes. His cock lay hard up against his stomach, precum making the fur there glisten. It was huge, at least 11 inches in length and very thick. He stood there proudly as the fox, much smaller in size, ran his coal black fingers quickly up and down the dark pink shaft. Jimmy wasn't as tall or broad as his counterpart, but was equally robust, the dark black, white and russet reds of his coat blending in stark contrast to each other. He was bent over the wolf's cock, tongue lolling slightly as he stroked it, his dark green eyes half closed in a look of pure pleasure as Mason's paw lightly worked over his own shaft. His wasn't as large as the wolf's, but it was still considerable in size -- easily 9 inches long. The wolf laid his free paw upon Jimmy's back, and the fox immediately stopped stroking and stood, following Mason's gaze and looking back over at her. His lips curled into a lascivious grin as his cock jumped against the wolf's paw. Whimpering softly, she took a few steps back, coming to a stop only when her soft cotton tail bumped up against the odd table she'd seen earlier. "Oooh lookie there, she's in a hurry to get started, Mason..." the fox snickered over at the wolf. Mason rumbled in response, letting his paw drop from the fox's glistening shaft with a faint look of regret and then walking over to her. "Please... Please don't hurt me..." she sobbed, holding her delicate paws out to him. He just chuckled softly, something akin to gentleness in his eyes. "We ain't gonna hurt you, cutie. We just wanna have some fun. Don't we, Jimmy?" He asked, turning his head to look at the fox over his shoulder. "Durn right." said Jimmy, his paw lightly stroking over his hard cock as he watched. She looked from one to the other, suckling her full lower lip into her mouth doubtfully. At least they weren't being cruel to her -- maybe they were just yiffy. She'd seen similar expressions on some of the other males at school, but had never really understood. Until now. She pressed her legs together at the thought. "If I do what you want… Y-you'll let me go?" she asked, stammering softly. "Sure thing." the wolf said, reaching out to cup her soft chin in his fingers, tipping her head up so she was forced to look at him and then smiling warmly -- his cock brushed lightly against her leg as he did so. "IF ya do what we want." She nodded against his hand, shying away from the feel of her white leg fur getting wetted with precum. "O-okay..." she murmured, barely above a whisper. What was she saying?! Mason stepped close, lifting her up in his arms as she tried to back away again, cradling her small body easily to his chest. She could feel his strength, his warm fur silky soft as it mingled with her own. Chuckling down at her, he grinned. "Where ya think you're goin', cutie?" Plunking her down semi-gently on the table, he pointed at the protrusions that she could now make out. The were thick leather straps with worn chrome buckles on them. "Get on all fours, girl." She bit into her lower lip, casting a glance at Jimmy who was still blithely pumping his fist up and down along his cock as he watched. Shuddering, she looked at Mason who was still standing right next to her, his powerful body towering. The look in his eyes was still somewhat gentle, but it had a harder edge to it now, one that wasn't about to accept a no. Whimpering a little to herself, she did as she was told, getting up on all fours on the table. This placed her perpendicular to the front door, her head facing the smaller door she'd seen earlier. The wolf reached out, guiding her until her paws were lined up with the two front buckles. Getting a closer look now, she could see they were makeshift, but very sturdy, bolted right down to the table. The buckles were strong -- there was no way she'd be able to free herself from them. Mason was walking down the length of the table, not touching her provocatively, just making sure she was aligned correctly for whatever purpose he had in mind. She turned her head to watch, but he wagged a finger at her and she looked back around. He was doing something, spreading her legs wide until she felt more straps at that end of the table brushing against her calves just below the knee. A moment later she felt them looped quickly over her delicately furred calves and drawn tight, one after the other. Her ankles followed -- she could feel Mason's cock-head hot and wet against the soles of her feet as he did this. A hand reached out and caressed her ass once the straps were drawn tight, fingers stroking and curling between the cheeks, drawing slowly upward to tweak at her cotton tail, and then disappearing. She whimpered, feeling so utterly naked on her hands and knees like that, legs spread wide and rump forced up into the air. "That's a good girl..." came the wolf's voice from somewhere on her left. She turned her head in that direction, eyes half closed for fear of what she might see. Mason was grinning at her, eyes glinting as he surveyed his work, one paw idly stroking at the huge cock jutting out from between his legs. "Very good... Now for your hands." She whimpered again and drew back, finding this entirely impossible with her legs clamped to the table. Having no where to go, she just cringed in upon herself best she could, lowering her front half to the table. The shocks of pleasure bolting through her nipples as they raked over the rough table's surface were utterly unexpected, eliciting a strangled little gasp from her and a soft chuckle from Mason as he watched. He took one of her paws tenderly in his, petting it and drawing her up again. "Likin' this are ya, cutie?" he asked. Tears squeezed from the corners of her eyes as she shook her head vehemently, "No! Please, can't you just let me go? This is awful, horrible, I feel so..." Her ears pressed down tight to her head as she looked away and bit at her lower lip. "Helpless?" came his voice, followed by a chuckle from Jimmy who was still watching from across the room. His stroking had calmed down a bit, and now he was just idly fondling along his sheath and balls. "Well cutie, that's cause ya are." Mason continued, reaching below her to flick one of her hard little nipples as he drew her paw up to the buckled length of leather on that side. She drew inhaled sharply at the sensation, blushing furiously, and felt both her wrists being firmly buckled down to the table. A paw caressed under chin, tipping her head up. She looked at Mason, tears still coursing hotly over her cheeks. Jimmy had joined him. He reached out to run his precum stained paw over the line of her back, petting her softly. The wolf rumbled, "There now, all tied up and no where to go..." he said, chuckling. She whimpered and tried to pull her head away, but his paw held her firm. "Now then, girlie, you ever tasted a cock before?" he rumbled. Her eyes bugged out, his words shocking her right out of her tears, "Have I... What?!" she stammered. She rolled her eyes down to Mason's bulging cock and whimpered, shaking her head as best she could with her chin in his hand. "N-no, no, I don't want to..." The wolf and fox chuckled softly again -- Jimmy spoke this time, "Well, it's not like ya have any choice, bunbun." The wolf cast him a glance, then turned back to her, letting his paw stroke over her wet cheek, up over her perpetually flattened ears. "But that's for later. We have someone else for you to meet, first." he rumbled. Confusion drew across her face. Someone else? "There's someone here?" She tried to turn her head and look, but the wolf's paw held her firm. "Yes, cutie." he rumbled, releasing her chin and letting her look around. Her eyes fastened on the other door immediately -- it was the only place from which anyone else could enter the room. "Let him in, Jimmy..." he said to the fox. The words made her skin crawl. Biting her lip, she looked to the fox with pleading eyes. "I... I don't think I want to meet anyone else. I just want to go home, really. Just... Let me go home? Please?" Her voice rose to a pathetic sounding squeak at the end, and actually seemed to reach Jimmy for a moment, but at a look from Mason he turned and trotted to the closet. He took a shiny key from a peg beside the door and tipped up the Master lock, sliding it home. Her brow furrowed. Why have a door locked, with the key right where anyone could find it? Jimmy removed the lock and slid its hasp through the peg beside the door, key still in place. He took a deep breath, and then slowly opened the door, peering inside for a moment as if to make sure it was safe. He looked back at she and Mason over one shoulder, a look of resolve mingling with fear in his eyes, and then slipped inside. She could hear him fumbling around with something -- a latch maybe. Suddenly he came running right back through the door, lightning quick, almost prancing with his hard cock bouncing and bumping up against his stomach as he skittered over to Mason and then hid behind him. The wolf himself was slowly backing away from the door -- backing away and leaving her there in plain sight, buckled down to the table. "What? What's going on?! Please! Please let me go!" she cried. She could tell they both were at least anxious if not downright afraid of whatever was in that closet. She tugged at her chaffed wrists and then her ankles, finding them solidly fixed to the table. She was trapped... -- She heard it before she saw it, a low rumbling growl of a sound. The eyes followed, picked out by the lantern's light, cold and flinty in the surrounding darkness of the closet. A silver grey muzzle poked its way out of the blackness, low to the ground. Either the fur was on its hands and knees, or this wasn't a fur. The thought made her shudder with fear. The muzzle lifted, eyes above it narrowing slightly as the creature smelled the air, taking in the room's scents. A dark tongue flicked out over the muzzle, draping wetly over the fat black nose there and then retreating. Another low, guttural growl followed, this one more inquisitive than the last. Jimmy and Mason remained where they were, high excitement wrestling with doubt in their eyes as they stared at the barely outlined form in the doorway. They were back as far as they could get in the small cabin, pressed against the far wall, Jimmy still mostly hidden behind Mason and peeking out from under one of his well muscled arms. She whimpered softly, then looked back at the door, her young body trapped between them and whatever it was in there. "Oh please, please untie me..." she whispered urgently, not even crying now. The fear tingling through her body had taken care of that. She was shaking, trying to make herself smaller up there on the big table, but finding even that was impossible. It felt as if she were in a spotlight. The muzzle of whatever it was in the closet raised at the sound of her voice, disappearing into the darkness as the creature gave a soft chuffing sound in response. She watched, eyes wide with terror, as the shape resolved itself -- stepping forward into the light. It was a wolf. A male wolf. A very large male wolf. She didn't know much about wolves in general, but this one had to be larger than average. It was splendid looking, and as it moved toward her with graceful steps, she found herself staring in wonder. The fear was still there, curling in her stomach, but she couldn't keep herself from roaming her eyes over the creature. His fur was a sleek, lustrous grey in hue; very similar to Mason's in fact. It rippled smoothly over sleek muscles as he moved. That the wolf was a he wasn't something to be questioned -- the large sheath, already filling out, and the softly furred balls swaying between his back legs swept the idea of anything else cleanly from her mind. "Meet Jake..." said Mason in a voice barely above a whisper. Jake's velvety soft looking ears swiveled in Mason's direction, followed by his head, black lips curling ferally to reveal sharp fangs as a growl emanated from his throat. Mason held out a placating paw to the feral wolf, backing up until he had pushed the fox hiding behind him right up against the back wall. "It's okay, boy, s'alright. There she is, all fer you." Jimmy made a soft squeak of a noise as his hidden position behind Mason was very rapidly made uncomfortable. He didn't, however, make any attempt to move. The wolf's lips lowered over his teeth. He remained where he was for a moment, staring down Mason and Jimmy with his cold eyes. Jimmy made that strange little yip of a noise again and hid his face. Satisfied, the wolf turned back and took another step toward the table. His sheath bulged, dark pinkness hinting at the opening as his gaze fixed on her. She cringed, bursting into tears as the reality of her situation crashed over her. "NO! Are you kidding me?! NO! I won't! NO!!" Jake's black lips rippled back again as he stopped and lowered his head at her outburst, hackles raising. He growled, then resumed his slow steps toward her, fangs glistening with saliva and legs stiffened. All she could do was whimper, tied on all fours to a table that now somehow resembled more of a stage, feeling utterly naked and vulnerable. A soft breeze ruffled her delicate white fur, tickling coldly between her legs and over her back, enhancing the sensation of defenselessness. She moaned softly and ducked her head, squeezing her eyes tightly shut as Jake closed in on her, cock slipping from his sheath and hardening to its full length. -- She felt the table thump just in front of her and then creak ominously under her paws and knees as the wolf leaped up. There was a heat beside her now, and the smell of him was in her nostrils, strong and musky. She could feel his cold nose upon her here and there as he walked the length of the table; he took in her scent with quick, perfunctory little darts of his muzzle at her shoulder, her ribs, her stomach, her hips. Squeaking, she cringed in upon herself, still refusing to open her eyes. Mason and Jimmy were panting audibly across the room as they watched, making soft sounds of encouragement. The feel of a cold nose probing below her little cotton tail made her gasp, eyes flying open and head craning back. "No! Please. Please!" she cried softly, tears tracking through her fur and off the end of her nose. Jake still had his hackles raised, eyes fixed on her as he snuffled at her tailhole. He growled softly and continually at her outburst, making her regret it instantly. Getting this feral wolf angry with her when she was so perfectly vulnerable was the last thing she wanted. His cold, wet nose was suddenly raking across her little pucker and down between her legs, hot air flowing over her virgin sex as he snuffled her scent in. She cried out again, drawing in a sharp breath and closing her eyes, biting down hard on her lower lip. The rolling growl faded into a whine as Jake's nose came away wet, shiny slick with her juices. Suddenly he was licking, lapping his long tongue over her barely furred cunny and then burrowing deeper, sliding it between the slick little lips and up over her clit as his cold nose buried itself against her tailhole. She screeched, gasping in surprise and throwing herself forward -- away from the wolf lapping at her sex. She got about an inch or so before she was brought up short with a jolt, her forward rocking body only serving to urge Jake onward. His tongue curled, raspy and hot as it flicked and lapped between her folds. Mason and Jimmy had fallen completely silent. She cracked an eye, turning toward them to beg for help, whimpering. Her plea fell from her trembling lips before it was uttered -- Jimmy and Mason were quiet because they were staring, too busy drooling at the sight of she and Jake to do much else. Their hands were wrapped about each other's cocks, but even these had fallen still. She looked back at Jake, eyes narrowing to slits of denial, still releasing tears as she watched him. His velvety soft ears were laid back, his own eyes closed now, his entire head moving as he focused upon lapping at her cunny. A shudder ran the length of her body -- she could see his tongue darting out and disappearing between her legs as she watched. Her body was responding, an unaccustomed heat growing between her legs as Jake licked at her with animal abandon. She shook her head no and whimpered pathetically, squeezing her eyes shut again and turning away from the sight. Jake's tongue dug in deeper, curling around her clit, burrowing through her folds but never sliding into her -- the angle was wrong. She shook her head, harder this time, body trembling with arousal and denial, yet no fear -- there wasn't room for fear. Making a choking sound, she formed her fingers into fists, damning herself as she felt her hips tilting backward, tilting up toward Jake's muzzle as he lapped at her sex. She opened her eyes and looked back, hearing him growl softly, perhaps sensing her growing arousal. He redoubled his efforts -- his nose pressed against the little ring of muscles under her cotton ball tail as if he were trying to force it right into her. Long tongue flying rapidly, he whined and then extended his neck, finally sliding it right up inside her. She moaned softly, eyes simply closing with the sudden pleasure thrilling through her shuddering body as Jake took her with his tongue, plunging it deep into her and then sliding it through her cunny lips to tease at her clit again. It occurred to her, somewhere down deep, that perhaps he was acting with more intelligence than was warranted in your average every day wolf, but these thoughts were pushed from her mind as she felt a paw brushing at her cheek -- it was Mason. He was standing there before her, hand on his rock hard cock. Jimmy was blocked from sight. The wolf-morph was looking down at her, half grinning, half smiling, his eyes blazing bright with arousal. She whimpered softly at the sight of him, feeling Jake's tongue curling around up inside her young pussy, probing at her virginity. Parting her lips, she was about to say something and then just stopped, her eyes filling with tears. Mason continued to softly pet at her cheek, stroking his cock with the fingers of his other paw. The feral wolf was gone, and the absence of that hot, wet tongue crashed in on her immediately. It felt as if she were no longer whole, as if something was missing, something she desparately needed. She felt only cold air flowing over her wet cunny now, nothing more. She turned her head, whimpering with need instead of fear or revulsion, looking for Jake. He had pulled back from her as he had noticed Mason, and was now staring at the other wolf, black lips pulled back in a snarl. Mason just continued to softly pet her, making soft, soothing noises to Jake as she watched. Slowly, the feral wolf lowered his lips back over his teeth, tongue lolling out in a pant, lower jaw dropping. He moved forward again and lowered his head to her sex, eyes pinned on Mason over the top of her pressed back ears, and then darted his tongue out again. She cried out softly and thrust her hips back, surprising herself with the intensity of her desire. Could she actually want this feral, wild wolf to lick her down there? It didn't seem to matter, her body was throbbing with need, acting of its own will now. She turned back to Mason, face filled with shame. He smiled down at her, brushing the hair back from her forehead, still stroking his huge shaft with his free paw. She actually smiled in response, if only slightly, somehow comforted by him being there and accepting her. It was twisted and sick and wrong, but how could something that felt this good actually be bad? She shivered and dropped her head forward, long ears lowering to the side as she began to pant. Jake was working back up to a frenzy again, his tongue darting deep inside her over and over as she gasped for breath. Suddenly, the tongue was gone again, but before she had a chance to react she felt rough, non-morphic paws on her hips. Eyes going wide, she turned her head, gasping at the sight of Jake rearing up to mount her. His thick shaft hung heavy below his body, bobbing as he walked forward on his back legs. It disappeared from view and a second later she felt it probing at her wet entrance. The wolf's chest settled down to rest silken soft and heavy upon her back. He gripped her with his forelegs and began blindly thrusting, tongue lolling out, drool dripping over her shoulder blades as he sought out her tight opening. She cried out softly, fear crowding in on her all of a sudden at the outrageousness of this whole situation. "No! NO! I won't! Please!" she shrieked, spinning her head about to beg Mason. He shook his head slowly to her, softly stroking her cheek again as she felt Jake probing. She tried to close her legs, to move, to do something to stop him, but his probes and thrusts were getting irrevocably closer to hitting home. He growled and gripped down on her painfully with his forelegs, dull black claws digging into her sides as he thrust forward more violently before. She felt Jake's cock tearing into her before she realized it was done -- a feral wolf had just roughly stolen her virginity. She cried softly, sobs and shudders wrenching her body as her pussy throbbed and pulsed around Jake's length, welcoming it hungrily. He whined as he took her, resting his muzzle between her shoulders, his drool running down over her neck. She drew her tongue over suddenly dry lips and opened her eyes sightlessly, trying to get used to the feeling. It wasn't even painful anymore, just a dull aching sensation being rapidly overtaken by the pleasure of Jake thrusting into her over and over. Something was pressing against her lips, hard yet soft and faintly salty. She blinked several times and found her vision completely filled by the sight of soft, silky grey pubic fur and the raging hardon Mason had been coaxing right in front of her only moments before. He had stepped close when she was distracted, pressing the head against her lips. His paw was guiding it now, rubbing it back and forth, spreading salty wet precum over them. She tried to look up at him, to crane her neck, but couldn't manage it and didn't even care. Jake was pounding away at her now, sending lightning bolts of pleasure coiling into her body. Mason's paw fell to the back of her neck, and then he was pushing forward -- his cock leading the way. It pressed against her slick, parted lips and then slipped in between, bumping against her teeth. She tried to shake her head, to pull away, but found she couldn't move -- his paw was holding her head in place and the shackles took care of the rest. -- His head probed into her mouth as Jake took her from behind, pressing her tongue down and forcing her to open her aching jaws wide. He groaned as she closed her lips around his length and tried to swallow, to catch her breath, and then he started to slowly pump his hips. She shook her head no again, barely able to manage even that, but Mason just panted and gripped more insistently upon the back of her neck, fingers curling around her head and forcing it to bob down upon his thrusting cock. She gagged as she felt the back of her throat probed by the head of his cock and whimpered through her nose. Her head was swimming, body shuddering wildly with each of Jake's thrusts. He was driving her mad with lust, and she wasn't surprised to find herself thrusting back against him, taking his plunging cock in deep. There was a new sensation, as if Jake's shaft were growing even larger, but only at the base. Whatever it was, it was bumping up against her tight entrance, trying to force itself inside despite the fact that she was too tight for it. Her nose was forced against Mason's soft pubic fur as he was suddenly thrust forward roughly against her, his cock burying itself in her throat. She couldn't breath, little tendrils of panicky fear threatening to crash over her until he pulled back again. Craning her head to see, tongue curling against the pleasantly thick flesh buried in her short muzzle, she found that Jimmy had finally reappeared. He had been behind Mason all this time, out of view, and was still mostly hidden. All she could see was his arms wrapped around Mason's waist, black gloved paws locked just above her head. Mason's thrusts became slightly erratic for a moment and then took on a new, deeper rhythm, stronger as he pumped himself into her mouth. Jimmy was taking him from behind, and none too gently. The idea that the wolf was supposed to be taking the fox flickered through her mind and then was lost to the pulse of the rocking, thrusting, panting bodies all around her. Jake's thrusts were starting to become jerky, growing more erratic in a continuously worsening fashion. He growled above her and lunged forward, gripping the back of her neck between his teeth as she gagged and swallowed around Mason's pumping cock, breathing hard through her nose. With his new grip, Jake curled his forelegs painfully around her waist and began to thrust violently. She gasped, feeling his knot force its way inside her, stretching her wide open. He continued thrusting with short little pumps of his hips, his knot remaining trapped inside her. She moaned and closed her eyes, curling her tongue around Mason's shaft, almost proud of the groan it elicited as Jimmy fucked him from behind. An uncontrollable tremble was working into her body, and she realized she was going to cum -- actually going to cum by being raped by a feral wolf and some guy who'd just kidnapped her only hours before. She shuddered, the thought appealing in some twisted way, and felt herself toppling over the edge. Jake released her neck and threw his head back, howling as her inner muscles clamped down in pleasure filled spasms around his thrusting cock. She realized he had been coming in small, hot spurts all along, but nothing compared to the flood that filled her now. She swallowed spasmically around Mason's shaft as she felt Jake's hot seed spurting deep inside her, his hips locked to hers. Her pulse throbbed hotly around his knot as he filled her, the swollen flesh keeping it all churning inside. Mason groaned and thrust forward hard, burying the head of his shaft in her throat. She felt his balls tense against her chin and then jump as he grabbed at the back of her head and came hard. Not swallowing wasn't an option -- it just flowed right down her throat, hot and spurting down into her stomach as Jimmy cried out behind him. She felt Mason's stomach contract as the fox's fists yanked back, forcing his own cock to the hilt in the wolf's ass. Mason took a step back, not removing his cock from her mouth completely, just pulling it from her throat so she could breathe again. Trickles of cum splashed against her tongue, the salty taste not entirely unpleasant. She licked a little and swallowed what was left of his seed, making him moan softly. She shuddered with tiny, pleasure filled after shocks for a long time, just staying like that along with the other bodies around her, all panting for breath. Jake was tied with her, draped heavily over her back, his hot breath and lolling tongue moving along her neck as he breathed. Jimmy moved first, dropping his arms from around Mason's waist. Mason followed, letting his cock slide wetly from her lips as he drew back with the fox. His paw hooked under her chin and tipped her head upward so she could see him smiling. Her lips actually formed into a drowsy smile in return. It felt strange and alien on her face, and she suddenly realized why -- it was satisfied, but it was also lascivious, at least as lascivious as Jimmy's had been when he'd cut her shorts off her body. Copyright Dawn Kull 1999 crystal@jabba.tlh.fdt.net