Avatar index-by-name.u as of Thu Nov 5 19:12:08 GMT 1998

uDragon-gw.gif 27644 598x768x16 1993/06/10 23:50 Jordan Greywolf
uDragon [FurryMuck character] ("mu"-Dragon) hanging out at Club Aero. Art by Jordan Greywolf.
UDTerrie.JPG 25178 324x515xJPEG 1998/09/04 11:45 Boris Chwosta a.k.a. Terriekitten
Terrie ( c Boris Chwosta), upside down in a weird quest for new poses. Artist: Boris Chwosta a.k.a. Terriekitten
UKFOXNEW.gif 53504 391x504x256 1994/12/19 11:31 Unknown
The fox with the balloons tied to him, floating over a rainbow sky. Original art by attendents of UKFurCON I, inks by Foxy, Cropped/colored by Tom Ziolkowski
UKfurCON1.gif 48799 1024x1450x2 1994/08/31 18:01 Unknown
Scan of poster drawn by visitors to the first UK and European furrys convention in Colchester. By their players, inked by 'Foxy' [K. Charlesworth (Foxina)]
ukfurcon2-1995.gif 179599 3300x2340x2 1995/11/30 11:51 Various, Inking by Foxy
Poster drawn by some of those present at the second UK Fur Con in Bristol, May 1995. Characters copyright respecive owners. Inking by Foxy
ukfurcon2.jpg 78088 814x529xJPEG 1996/01/06 22:47 Unknown
UKFurCon II in Bristol, from left to right: BlackLion, Foxina, unci, Silvermane and Prask (with his '78 VW Derby). Photo and scan by unci. Color.
ulric-jb.gif 26055 569x705x16 1995/03/13 19:11 Johnny Blanco
A profile image of Ulrich dressed in a trenchcoat and carrying a walking stick. Piece is called "Night's Hunter." Artist's Name: Johnny Blanco
Umbrella-ah.gif 174770 640x750x256 1996/01/06 23:16 Andre' Heinonen, <e92_anh@e.kth.se>
Fox (detective?) under..you guessed it! Artist: Andre' Heinonen, <e92_anh@e.kth.se>. Color.
una2.gif 47581 565x800x256 1996/12/11 10:10 Christine Klunder
A pencil sample from my Natural Beauties II print collection. Artist: Christine Klunder. Color.
unci-giant-sh.gif 422202 1022x730x256 1994/06/29 14:50 Seppo Halonen (Smilodon)
Unci_Narynin used to have a giant shape. Here he stands over a railroad track. Drawn by Seppo Halonen, scanned by Tobias Koehler.
unci-mejeep-tbk.gif 21226 704x1018x2 1994/04/06 11:59 Unknown
Unci_Narynin, show leopard from FurryMUCK, holding mejeep, a champagne-colored ferret, from FurryMUCK, in his paws. Close- up. Drawn by Tobias Benjamin Koehler.
unci-rl.jpg 86749 511x668xJPEG 1994/10/17 16:27 Unknown
Photo of Tobias B. Koehler (Unci_Narynin @ FurryMUCK, Unci @ SPR), with his cat Friederike who passed away in 1994. Photo taken summer 1993.
unci-sit-skh.gif 56581 369x357x256 1995/04/21 05:14 Unknown
unci-sit-skh.gif uploaded by s_tbk@ira.uka.de Pencil drawing of unci_narynin @ FurryMUCK / unci @ Sociopolitical Ramifications, drawn 1994 by Seppo Kalevi Hal
unci-train-skh.gif 69358 511x365x256 1994/09/03 15:21 Unknown
Unci_Narynin from FurryMUCK (snow leopard) standing on a model railway, art by Seppo Kalevi Halonen (Nimravid). Smaller rescan and re-interpretation of unci-gia
uncia1.jpg 150354 599x768xJPEG 1994/09/07 11:57 Unknown
Frontal picture of a RL snow leopard, looking much like Unci_Narynin. Photo by Tobias Benjamin Koehler (Unci_Narynin).
uncia2.jpg 119988 589x683xJPEG 1994/09/07 11:59 Unknown
Picture of the same RL snow leopard, seen from a different angle. Photo by Tobias Benjamin Koehler (Unci_Narynin).
unci_kitten-tbk.gif 16442 1024x663x2 1994/04/06 12:19 Unknown
Unci_Narynin, my personal furry on FurryMUCK, has a cub shape and calls himself unci_kitten. Drawn by Tobias Benjamin Koehler.
unci_narynin-tbk.gif 26699 1022x672x2 1994/04/06 12:22 Unknown
Unci_Narynin is a non-anthropomorphic uncia (snow leopard). This picture shows him resting somewhere in FurryMUCK's mountains. Drawn by Tobias Benjamin Koehler
unci_statics.jpg 131937 800x597xJPEG 1997/05/18 12:18 unci
unci sitting at home and preparing for hys statics exam... Artist: unci. Grayscale.
UndieTerrie.JPG 38601 367x360xJPEG 1998/09/04 11:45 Boris Chwosta a.k.a. Terriekitten
Terrie ( c Boris Chwosta), in her sunday underwear. The pose was swiped from a Shon Howell picture. Artist: Boris Chwosta a.k.a. Terriekitten
Ungndcmn.gif 93059 1642x1024x2 1997/05/13 19:32 Jay R Naylor
A brief look at some of the regulars at the Underground Inn Common. Artist: Jay R Naylor. Black and white.
Uni-Horns-fh.gif 28843 1140x856x16 1994/12/19 23:55 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan)
The newest fad to hit the MUCK! Unicorn Horn licking! Artist: Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan)
uni1.gif 145664 568x734x256 1995/11/06 07:26 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain)
"Unicorn Rock" Tattoo Sketch Artist: William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain)
uni2.jpg 32693 252x254xJPEG 1996/01/20 03:23 William Miller
Small Unicorn picture. Artist: William Miller
UniBarmaid-foxy.gif 103549 921x768x16 1993/12/11 13:49 Unknown
An unnamed unicorn barmaid carrying drinks. Medieval style Inn background. (c)'93 Foxina.
Unicorn-01-gw.gif 42544 473x768x16 1993/01/18 17:29 Unknown
Unicorn in Christmas scene
Unicorn-02-gw.gif 26847 606x768x16 1993/10/07 22:49 Unknown
Another unicorn. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-03-gw.gif 39133 1002x768x16 1993/12/14 22:17 Unknown
A unicorn head sketch. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-04-gw.gif 92376 420x768x16 1994/12/04 01:31 Unknown
A lady Unicorn at her writing desk. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-05-gw.gif 146349 597x768x16 1995/03/02 19:13 Unknown
A lady unicorn by a small stream. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-06-gw.gif 71668 423x768x16 1995/03/02 19:13 Unknown
A foppish unicorn swordsman. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-07-gw.gif 64897 312x768x16 1995/04/24 01:10 Unknown
Yet another Greywolfian prettycorn! Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-08-gw.gif 113767 589x768x16 1996/03/23 22:38 Unknown
A contemplative unicorn, with one of Greywolf's favorite Scripture verses. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-09-gw.gif 49688 585x768x16 1996/03/23 22:38 Unknown
A digitigrade unicorn mage. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-1-M-gw.gif 205579 504x672x256 1996/09/21 21:18 Unknown
A resin-cast miniature of Raphael, Greywolf's Champions character (a Unicorn). Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-10-gw.gif 51031 776x768x16 1996/04/05 21:18 Unknown
Unicornoid with assault blaster. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-11-gw.gif 51548 411x768x16 1996/04/05 21:18 Unknown
A lady unicorn in a barren woodland. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-12-gw.gif 49634 602x768x16 1996/07/11 02:48 Unknown
A digitigrade Unicorn spearman. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-2-M-gw.gif 68543 252x444x256 1996/09/21 21:19 Unknown
A resin-cast miniature of a lady Unicorn in jeans and a bomber jacket. Art by Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-c-gw.gif 12167 640x442x16 1993/05/20 00:28 Jordan Greywolf
A rendition of a morphic unicorn, drawn on computer in 16 colors! Artist: Jordan Greywolf
Unicorn-Mage-gw.gif 35769 530x768x16 1992/10/03 00:00 Jordan Greywolf
...and another Greywolfian unicorn!
unicorn-small.gif 1043 120x150x2 1994/02/28 07:22 Keith MacKay
Simple line drawing of a unicorn (non-anthro) rearing. Artist: Keith MacKay
unicorn.gif 25088 320x200x32 1992/06/22 00:00 Unknown
non-anthro unicorn, against a grid background, color
unidoom.gif 126927 427x553x256 1995/06/26 04:01 Scott Malcomson
What if the elevator to the next level is out of commission...? By Scott Malcomson
unifem4.gif 123842 381x472x256 1995/12/13 10:06 William C. Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain)
Antrho-Unicorn "Staci" pictured right after her tranformation. Artist: William C. Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain). Color.
unifloat.jpg 22760 279x335xJPEG 1996/10/01 12:11 Scott Malcomson
A unicorn indulging in a bit of the, ah, bubbly... Artist: Scott Malcomson. Color.
uniform2.gif 210718 582x811x256 1997/03/18 01:54 Unknown
A wolf policefur in dress uniform. Part 1 of a series. Art by Erich Eichner <d_rastaw@cmc.net>
Unigrphx.JPG 38969 604x480xJPEG 1996/04/12 02:24 UniGraphix
A bright and colorful neon unicorn forms the basis for this new Artist's Co-op. Check it out! It's snazzy! Artist: UniGraphix Colorist: Flinthoof (Dan Canaan)
Unimorph.jpg 81049 1696x2284xJPEG 1997/01/28 01:30 Jennifer Reiter
Female Human/Unicorn Morph. Artist: Jennifer Reiter. Grayscale.
unipegh.gif 113275 663x318x256 1995/11/06 08:22 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain)
Unicorn/Pegasus crossbreed profile (with shameless plug :) Artist: William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain)
unipose1.gif 100098 712x470x256 1995/11/19 17:10 William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain)
Female anthro-unicorn in repose (R rating) Artist: William Miller (AKA Ri'Hahn Na'Horain)
unirodeo.gif 13965 500x650x2 1995/06/26 04:02 Scott Malcomson
Ride 'em, cowboy! Or, er, don't... By Scott Malcomson
unismugg.gif 20304 500x609x16 1995/06/26 04:02 Scott Malcomson
Uni for hire: No cargo too small, no fee too high. By Scott Malcomson
unistud1-fh.gif 13603 584x810x2 1994/10/06 09:57 Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan)
A more stocky unicorn than of fable..lookit those legs! :) Artist: Flinthoof (aka Dan Canaan)
uochip.gif 112982 820x915x256 1996/02/24 15:15 Andrew Pidcock
Unofficial Chip Unicorn 95. Artist: Andrew Pidcock. Grayscale.
uochip.jpg 61834 820x915xJPEG 1996/03/04 02:42 Andrew Pidcock
Unofficial Chip Unicorn 95. Artist: Andrew Pidcock. Color.
Uriel-1-gw.gif 36677 507x768x16 1993/06/10 23:50 Unknown
Archangel Uriel [FurryMuck character], in wolf form, (c) Scott Whitmore. Art by Jordan Greywolf.
Uriel-2-gw.gif 72562 588x768x16 1996/03/23 22:38 Unknown
Uriel [FurryMuck character], preaching to the masses. (C) W.S. Whitmore. Art by Jordan Greywolf
uriel.gif 22696 576x776x2 1992/06/22 00:00 Scott Whitmore
wolf 'morph handling furry miscreant, by Scott Whitmore
usagi.gif 12268 490x612x2 1991/09/07 00:00 Jimmy Chin
inked fan art by Jimmy Chin of Usagi Yojimbo (from UY #25) [Usagi Yojimbo (c) Stan Sakai]
Useful_magic.gif 104969 1100x827x256 1996/09/28 23:29 Bernard "Chakat" Doove
A witch kitty shows the correct way to use a broom to do household chores. Artist: Bernard "Chakat" Doove. Grayscale.