The following files have been uploaded by They are monophonic 44.1KHz sounds from the Digidesign SampleCell CD ROM. Since the sounds are distributed by Digidesign with the intent that they be used by others, copyright should not be an issue. The CD itself is Copyright Digidesign and Prosonus, 1990. The format is AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format). Eventually, I may try to incorporate these sounds (along with many others) into a package of sounds for use in MUD/MUCK's such as FurryMuck. Currently, the only way of triggering soundfile playback I have managed to work out is to use TinyFugue to trigger a /sh command which plays the soundfile. This requires a UNIX machine with sound playback capability. Eventually, somebody will write a client program for the popular PC platforms which will be able to use these sounds! FXAirwrench.aiff FXBigSwitch.aiff FXDoorBurstingOpen.aiff FXFastPoliceSiren.aiff FXGunshot1.aiff FXGunshot2.aiff FXGunwDelay.aiff FXJarWDelay.aiff FXLoBrkDrmChorus.aiff FXMotorAlarm.aiff FXPipebell.aiff FXRobotArm.aiff FXSpaciness.aiff FXSteam1.aiff FXSteam2.aiff FXVault1.aiff FXVault2.aiff