Title: Voyager-1(parts1-3) From: an211127@anon.penet.fi Author: an197045@anon.penet.fi Description: An Internet erotic series of the TV show Star Trek: Voyager. This is the first episode, parts 1-3 (of 5). The series is currently being written alternately with an211127 Title: Voyager2(parts1-2) From: an211127@anon.penet.fi Author: an211127@anon.penet.fi Description: Episode two in the above mentioned series. Title: Voyager1-2.zip From: an211127@anon.penet.fi Author: an197045 & an211127 Description: A zipped file containing both stories and gif/jpg pix of the crew. NOTE: Please protect out anonimity and use only aour anonymous addresses as author names. THANX :-)